What coupling efficiency does Eton achieve during oligo synthesis?

High coupling efficiency creates longer, full-length oligos

The synthesis efficiency is around 99%, with some variation according to the DNA sequence.
                                       Minimum Yield
synthesis scale yield guarantee (30 nt  length)
10 nmol 0.2ODs 6.7 ug (0.6nmol)
25 nmol 2 Ods 67 ug (6 nmol)
50 nmol 4 ODs 134 ug (12 nmol)
200nmol 12 ODs 403 ug (36 nmol)
1umole 50 ODs 1680 ug (150 nmol)
5umole 250 ODs 8400 ug (750 nmol)
10umole 500 ODs  16800 ug (1500 nmol)
50umol 2000 Ods 67200 ug (6000 nmol)